(Scuba Diving) (Snorkeling) (Canopy Tour ) (Corcovado) (Dolphin Watching) (Sport Fishing) (Horseback Riding) (Sea Kayaking) (Waterfall Hike)

     Costa Rica is fast becoming one of the world's most popular bird watching destinations.  In a relatively small geographic area (19,625 sq. miles or 51,000 sq. km), Costa Rica boasts of 850 different species of birds over four distinct geographic environments.  However, Corcovado National Park and Drake Bay in particular, are especially rich in the number of different species of birds. Making this area of Costa Rica a bird watchers paradise.  In a 40 mile radius around  Jinetes De Osa over 360 different bird species have been counted.  That's over 40% of the entire bird population of Costa Rica!  Our local naturalist guides are specially trained to know not only the habitat of each species but the call and the folklore behind each bird as well.  We will do our best to make your bird watching experience in Costa Rica extremely memorable.  To the right is a small sample of the wide variety of  bird species you can expect to see while visiting Jinetes De Osa..

Baird's TrogonBlack-Belled WrenBlack-Checked Ant tanager
Black-Necked StiltBrown BoobyBrown Pelican
Blue-Throated GoldentailCrested CaracaraCrested Eagle
Elegant TrogonFiery-Billed AricariFulvous Whistling-Duck
Glossy IbisGolden-Naped WoodpeckerGreat Curasoow
Jaribu (Tempisque)Magnificent Frigate BirdMangrove Hummingbird
Mangrove VireoMasked DuckMasked Yellowthroat
Northern JacanaOrange-Fronted ParakeetParasitic Jaeger
Reddish EgretRufous-Tailed JacamarSabines Gull
Scarlet MacawSclae-Crested Pygmy TyrantSemi-palmated Plover
Snail KiteSnowy-Billed Starthroat HummingbirdSolitary Eagle
Spotted-Bellied Bobwhite LimpkinStriped OwlSurfbird
Tawny-Winged WoodpeckerTurquoise CotingaWhite-Necked Jacobin
Yellow Breasted CrakeYellow-Naped Parrot





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